Dr. Tilton's Qualifications And Background

Dr. Roger Tilton is a licensed psychologist with over forty years of clinical experience. He has received intensive individual training in both cognitive and behavior therapy from some of the most renowned psychologists and psychiatrists in the world. He was trained in cognitive therapy by Gary Emery, Ph.D. who co-authored two classic books with Aaron Beck, the founder of cognitive therapy. He also received individual consultation in behavior therapy from Joseph Wolpe, M.D., the founder of behavior therapy and one of the most important figures in the history of psychiatry. In addition, he consulted with and received individualized training in exposure therapy for anxiety disorders from Stefan Hofmann, Ph.D. Associate professor at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. Dr. Hofmann is considered a world authority on the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Dr. Tilton is an adjunct faculty member at both Riverside Community College and Chapman University where he has taught graduate classes in psychotherapy and advanced psychopathology and undergraduate classes in abnormal psychology, history of psychology, personality, learning, critical thinking, research methods, developmental psychology and general psychology. He received his B.A. from UCLA, his masters from Cal State University Los Angeles, and his Ph.D. from United States International University in San Diego where he had the opportunity to study under the great existential psychiatrist Viktor Frankl.

Fees: Fee for a full hour psychotherapy session is $120.00. An exception will be made if you are covered by a managed care plan I am contracted to. A sliding fee scale will be considered in special cases.

  • a man is laying on a couch while a man takes notes in a notebook .

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